Internespo > Guide > FAQs > Compliance


Latest Update: January 10th, 2025

Internespo takes compliance very seriously. Learn how we comply with the rules and regulations of the NCAA and NAIA as well as the other governing associations.

College library stand for learning and development

Key Takeaways

  • Internespo is NOT a recruiting or scouting service
  • Internespo is a free sports platform generally available to the public
  • All content on Internespo is subject to copyright of the respective college or university

Internespo Compliance

In an effort to comply with all regulations by the NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA our compliance team has conducted extensive research and worked directly with a representative from each league to ensure all rules and regulations are being followed and monitored for any new updates or changes.

In addition, we have worked closely with several colleges and universities from different leagues, divisions and conferences to address all questions, comments or concerns their compliance officers had.

The Internespo Team is very grateful for the support we have received from all the different communications and compliance departments – and we are excited to have been cleared as fully compliant by all the institutions and staff we have directly worked with. Please see below some of the most common requests for clarification.

Should you have further questions please reach out via our contact page, or send us an email via

1) Internespo’s Primary Purpose is a free to use college soccer platform generally available to the public, both in the United States and internationally. Read all about why Internespo is free under Costs and Fees – It’s free.

Just like other social media platforms, Internespo’s primary purpose is to facilitate the creation and sharing of information, photos and videos by its users as well as by institutions such as colleges and universities. Users can connect with their college program, follow teams of friends and family and stay ahead of new updates.

On an Internespo college profile or university page, users can view current academic and athletic rankings, see historic achievements of the schools soccer team and further explore the school’s academic and athletic programs. Interested users can see details about admissions, requirements and costs and see its academic offering, such as majors and minors. In addition, visitors can view pictures and videos of the university’s athletic facilities, its campus, or the city it is located in. Other content, such as the team’s alumni data base, their players in the pros or the schools notable alumni provide a well-rounded picture of the university from both an academic as well as athletic perspective. Find a detailed overview under Features and Functions.

Incidental to its primary purpose, Internespo provides educational material via its College Sports Guide – on a different website – to help students, parents and others better understand the importance of getting a degree, and learning about college in general, scholarships, requirements, recruiting, the college application and much more.

2) Internespo is open and available to all users

Internespo is a social media platform and generally available to the public. Just like other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, the use of our service is available – and free of charge accessible – to all users and institutions, including, but not limited to students and their friends and family, student-athletes, coaches, university staff, and all others.

Therefore, all content visible on Internespo and published by a college or university can be viewed and accessed by all users. In some cases, users may have to first sign-up for free and create a free profile before viewing information or using certain features. For instance, when trying to like or save a college profile page, users need to have an account where the information can be saved to.

3) Internespo is free for all users and institutions

Internespo follows the industry standard of other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and does NOT charge users or colleges and universities to sign-up on

In fact, every user or institution receives the same free rate. There are no hidden costs or fees associated with our services – so there are no payments at all. This includes creating and maintaining a user profile, or creating and maintaining an official institutional account by colleges, junior colleges or universities. Read more under Costs and Fees – It’s free.

4) Internespo is NOT a Recruiting or Scouting Service

Internespo does not get involved in any recruiting or promotion activities. Like other social networks, Internespo only provides the space for users to engage, connect, and share.

Internespo does not promote any user profiles nor does Internespo support any individual – or group of individuals – in their efforts to engage or connect with other users, colleges, or universities.

Furthermore, Internespo does not promote or favor any college or university, nor their academic or athletic programs. Colleges and universities have a standardized account on Internespo, similar to their profiles on other social media platforms, where they can share information with the public.

NCAA – Definition of a Recruiting and Scouting service

A recruiting or scouting service includes any individual, organization, entity or segment of an entity that primarily provides information about prospective student-athletes. This definition does not include any individual, organization, entity or segment of an entity that primarily provides information about prospective student-athletes incidental to its primary purpose and is generally available to the public. (Source:

5) Internespo provides the same standardized format to all users

Internespo provides the same service to all its users and institutions. This includes a standardized user profile with features generally available to all subscribers. In addition, Internespo provides a standardized account template to all institutions and their sports programs to guarantee a consistent format and display of information on their official Internespo college or university profile page.

6) Visibility of User Profiles and College/University Accounts

6.1) Limited User Profile Visibility

Internespo currently does not support the feature of viewing other user profiles other than your own, or send messages to their accounts. In the long run, we are planning to roll out similar features available on other social media platforms, which will enable users to view other user profiles and connect and share content via messages. Moreover, users will be able to decide if they want to keep their profile private or make it public, and which information will be shared with others. Both regular users and university staff will have the same search functionality and profile visibility.

6.2) College/University Profile Visibility

The only profiles currently visible on Internespo are official Internespo college or university profile pages. These profiles can be found and viewed by all users via the Internespo Search & Map, unless a college or university unpublishes their profile page. This works just like searching for a college on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, allowing users to view information, pictures, videos or other content shared by an university. Profile pages can be published or unpublished in real time by a college or university page admin.

7) Account access for Coaches & University Staff

7.1) Accessing a College/University via Internespo’s Claim Your College page.

Coaches and staff can use the “Claim College” feature on to access their account

Internespo will usually process your request within a few hours, confirm your identity and provide you access to your college or university profile via your e-mail address.

7.2) Accessing a College/University Account via Internespo’s regular sign-up form

Coaches and staff can use the regular Internespo Sign-up to gain access to their college or university profile:

  • Click on sign-up on the top right of
  • Enter your .edu e-mail and fill out the form
  • Entered your password
  • Select >YES< for “Coaches & Universities” to claim your college
  • Complete your sign-up by clicking “Agree and continue”

Internespo will usually process your request within a few hours, confirm your identity and provide you access to your college or university profile via your e-mail address.

7.3) Accessing a College/University Account via a college admin invitation

When a coach or staff member has successfully created an account for their college or university, they are now able to use the regular admin invite feature to quickly add other admins and contributors.

  • Go to your college profile page by clicking on your user icon on the top right, or by searching for the name of your university in the Internespo Search.
  • Go to the admin tab on your college profile
  • Invite Coach/Staff

Internespo will usually process your request within a few hours, confirm your identity and provide you access to your college or university profile via your e-mail address.

7.4) Accessing a College/University Account via an Internespo invitation

Coaches and university staff can directly request access to their college or university profile, should there be any issues with the methods outlined above. Please send us a message via our contact page, or send us an e-mail from your .edu email to

Internespo will usually process your request within a few hours, confirm your identity and provide you access to your college or university profile via your e-mail address.

8) Content – Creation, Maintenance and Ownership

8.1) Content Ownership

All content and information displayed on an Internespo college or university profile belongs to the respective college or university. The institution owns the account and holds total ownership of their profile and its contents, as they do for their other social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

8.2) Existing Content – Who created the content?

All existing content displayed on an Internespo college or university profile is created and maintained by a member of its college or university. This could be a member of the coaching staff, the marketing team, the communications department, or other assigned contributor with the role of page admin, as specified by the college or university. Therefore, all rights and responsibilities remain with the college or university.

8.3) Exception: Existing Content – Internespo Beta Phase

Existing content that has been created prior to the official launch of Internespo could have been created by Internespo support staff in order to showcase a profile page to the school or its coaching staff, or to support with their initial profile page and account set up.

In these instances, all content has been added to show a complete picture of how an Internespo college or university profile page could look like. All content compiled for this purpose has been pulled from an official university resource, such as contents from the school’s social media pages. Therefore, all content should be admissible for publication on other university owned social media pages, such as its Internespo profile page. Other content, not directly related to a college or university, such as city pictures, are supplied by websites offering copyright free images, such as Pixabay or Unsplash.

By signing-up to and claiming a college, the user assumes ownership and responsibility for their account, profile page, and contents in the same way they do for their other social media profiles. Furthermore, all users acknowledge their responsibility to review their profile and its contents to ensure that no copyrights or trademarks are being violated.

Note: Should you or a member of your organization have concerns around copyrights or trademarks on Internespo – or believe to have identified a possible violation on – we urge you to contact us via our contact page, or send us and email to

8.3) Content Management – Creating & Editing Content

All content on an Internespo college or university profile is created and maintained by a member of its college or university. From the moment a college or university is claimed by a member of its staff, the ownership and responsibility for the account, profile page, and contents lies with the school’s representative, in this case the assigned page admin or content manager.

Internespo and its team does not create, edit, or in any other way maintain content on a college or university profile, unless specifically requested by an institution and agreed upon by a member of the Internespo Support Team. Consequently, it is the responsibility of the page owner to keep their contents, such as information, links and pictures up to date to best represent their sports program and institution and incidentally provide the best experience to their page visitors.

Creating, editing or deleting content can easily be done in real time as it is with other social media pages. Should a page admin or content manager experience longer upload times or run into other issues when editing their page, the Internespo Support Team will usually provide assistance within 24 hours.

8.4) Publishing and Unpublishing Content

The college or university is the owner of their account, profile page and contents and reserves the right to publish or unpublish its Internespo college profile as they see fit. A college or university profile page can be unpublished by a page admin under the admin tab.

It is important to note that an unpublished profile will immediately be hidden and will not be found by users in the United States or internationally. Unpublishing a profile hides its contents from the Internespo Search and ensures it cannot be found in any other way – which, however, significantly reduces exposure to the college or university and its sports team.

Should you require assistance in taking your college or university profile offline, please contact your page admin or reach out to Internespo Support via the Internespo contact page or send us an email to

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents

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Privacy & Rights

Internespo takes the protection of your personal data seriously. In order to adhere to the highest data protection standards, we have committed to the national and European data protection legislation.