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Why study in the USA

America is home to some of the best universities which provide a unique college experience. Their college sports teams have some of the best athletic programs for student-athletes and getting a degree will set them up for a lifetime of success.

College library stand for learning and development

Key Takeaways

  • America has some of the worlds’ best universities to kick-start your career
  • Research a school’s accreditation to ensure your degree will be accepted
  • Top colleges are well funded, provide great support and offer a unique campus life

Success with a US degree

    • America has some of the best globally ranked universities
    • Universities in the US offer a unique college and campus experience
    • College teams have top programs for student-athletes trying to go pro
    • Getting a college degree will set you up for a lifetime of success

Top ranked universities: Coming from a foreign country, you may be asking yourself, why should I study in the United States, when I can get a degree in my home country. While there are many incredible schools around the world, America is home to some of the highest-ranked universities in the world. You will have over 180 schools to choose from that made the list of the Best Global Universities Rankings.

The college experience: In addition, U.S. colleges and universities provide a unique college experience, with the addition of college sports providing some of the best programs for student-athletes to unlock their potential and get them one step closer to the pro level. Getting a degree in the USA will not only provide students with an unforgettable experience, but will set them up for a lifetime of success.

1) Accredited Universities

    • Consider an internationally accredited degree
    • Accepted in the US and in your home country
    • For business schools look for the AACSB Accreditation

Degree Acceptance: Attending an internationally accredited college or university is becoming more and more important. The world is only becoming more and more connected, which makes it vital to consider getting an internationally accredited degree. Students coming from abroad to study in the US should pay close attention to international accredited schools, as this will ensure a degree acceptance in their home country.

Accreditation for Business: Accreditations can vary across different fields of studies. Therefore, it is recommended to do some specific research about the accreditations in your field of study. A good example is the AACSB Accreditation for business schools. With a proven accreditation process the AACSB institution verifies business schools by specific standards. You can find out more about the process and a list of accredited business programs here.

2) Benefits of Top Colleges

    • A plethora of academic resources combined with top-tier facilities
    • A valuable network of driven students accelerate your career after college
    • A recognized college degree increases post-grad opportunities

Get into top schools: Having a good high school resume, including good grades, good ACT/SAT score, or athletic achievements can enable you to study at one of the most renowned colleges or universities in the world. Only a few people have the privilege to study at these prestigious schools as they are highly selective and often impossible to afford, unless you receive academic scholarships, athletic scholarships, or fianancial aid.

According to U.S. News, out of the top 20 academic institutions in the world, over 75% are located in the United States. Read more about the importance of getting a degree in Why College Matters.

Why study in the USA

There are numerous reasons why U.S. colleges are so attractive for students from all over the world. With over 4,000 colleges and universities the U.S. offers a wide range of opportunities. Here are our top five reasons for choosing to study in the U.S.

1) Top ranked Universities

Prestigious higher education programs are a key reason for many students to come to the US. According to the Times Higher Education – World University Rankings 2023, 15 of the 25 highest ranked universities are from the US. Thus, U.S. degrees have an excellent international reputation and open up great career opportunities.

2) Academic Flexibility

    • Explore your interests and strength
    • Try courses before deciding on a major

At an undergraduate level students can choose from a wide range of different courses before deciding on a major at the end of the second year. This provides the opportunity for students to explore their interests and strengths before narrowing down their course of study.

3) Funding & Support

    • Lots of funding for student support
    • Small class sizes and low student-faculty ratios
    • Close and direct relationship with your professor

American Universities are well-funded and can therefore provide a lot of support to their students, as a result of large budgets. This comes in the form of relatively small class sizes and low student-faculty ratios. At most of the U.S. universities there is a close and direct exchange between students and professors. Having a more personal approach will help students receive the attention they need to succeed.

4) Diversity and Culture

    • Choose your College Location and experience nature, beaches, or famous cities
    • Meet students from every background and culture
    • Experience local traditions and make history

Whether you’re in a big city like New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, or closer to nature with the breathtaking views of canyons, mountains, and beaches- the U.S. offers an infinite variety of experiences. Wherever you choose to study you will encounter a regional culture rich in history and local traditions. At the university you will meet students from every nationality, religion, or ethnicity, and thus experience new cultures every day. In fact, in 2019 – prior to the Covid-19 outbreak – the total number of international students enrolled in U.S. Colleges exceeded 1 Million – 5.5% of the total US Student body.

Colleges with the largest international bodies in 2019

5) Campus Life

    • Live on-campus to get a true college experience
    • Engage in the college community and meet new people everyday
    • Join academic, cultural or athletic programs
    • Support your school team and make life long friends

College community: The college experience is something that is very important at American colleges and universities. Most schools will require first year students to live directly on-campus, allowing for students to engage in the college community, and meet lots of new people that they will spend the next four years with.

Campus activities: Additionally, universities offer a wide range of academic, cultural (music, drama, arts) and athletic activities you can participate in. This active and engaging campus experience creates a community atmosphere everyone wants to be part of. College sports are especially unique to American universities, as they provide special student-athlete experiences, and draw the student body together to cheer and support the school’s teams.

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