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Why College Matters

Going to college in the United States can be a life changing opportunity. Not only does it provide you with a higher level of education, but it also widens your perspective and accelerates your personal development.

College library stand for learning and development

Key Takeaways

  • College is a life changing opportunity to learn, grow, and explore.
  • Make life-long friendships and set yourself up for success in the future.
  • Your studies will help you find a well paying job.

Opportunities with College

Find a job you love: A degree increases your chances of finding a well-paying job with a higher potential of fulfillment. Keep in mind that only a very small portion of student athletes make it to the professional level. Most athletes will eventually work in regular job, so make sure you find something you like and is worth your time and effort. In addition to the career benefits, college also offers many personal and social advantages.

Don’t miss out out on the overall college experience, including both your life as an athlete, as well as your time as a college student. There is a reason why most people call their college years the best time of their lives. Besides practice, competitions, and learning – you will connect with students from several different backgrounds, make lifelong friends, and make unforgettable memories. Ultimately, going to college and getting a degree will support your financial stability, increase your network and allow you to chase your dreams and explore your passions.

1. Financial Stability

    • College graduates are much better off financially
    • Its an investment; you’re likely to make 60% more
    • Learn more about Paying for College

College can seem overwhelmingly expensive, and oftentimes students will question if getting a degree is even worthwhile. However, now more than ever, college graduates can expect to be in a much better financial position than they would without a degree.

Invest in your future: Moreover, if you think of college as an investment, it has a rate of return of about 15% per year, according to a recent study done by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Over a lifetime, college grads can expect to make on average 60% more than non-grads- well over $1 million more than they would otherwise. View the table to see how a college degree can impact your life earnings.

Degree* Life Earnings
High school $1.3 million
No degree $1.5 million
Associate’s $1.7 million
Bachelor $2.3 million
Master $2.7 million
Doctor $3.3 million
Professional degree $3.6 million

 *Estimated affects on earnings


2. Network and Community

Colleges are filled with thousands of people from diverse backgrounds. You will find people with varying interests and passions, from all over the world. College is a place to discover a new community of people and build lasting relationships and memorable experiences. By engaging in new communities, you will also discover more of yourself and explore your passions.

3. Reaching your Goals

Whatever your goals and dreams may be, attaining a college degree is a pathway to achieving them. Whether you want to start your own business, work for a fortune 500 company, or simply have the means to travel the world or buy a home, it is all possible.

4. Exploring your Passion

    • College helps you find what you are passionate about
    • Choose your major once your know what interests you

It’s okay if you’re unsure about your goals and passions. College is an excellent opportunity to explore and discover what you’re passionate about. You don’t need to choose a specific field of study right away. Instead, you can begin by taking general classes or electives that spark your interest. Even if you start with a particular program, you can always change your major if you develop an interest in a different subject. While college requires hard work and diligence, it’s also a time for self-discovery and exploring new interests you may not have known you had.

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